New bespoke waterproof SoulPet beds

A little 'off-piste' with news from our pet side of the business 'SoulPet'
This week saw the arrival of our own bespoke design of orthopedic pet beds, and they are more fabulous than even we hoped! We have so far made them in green, grey or navy blue and carefully chosen 3 sizes, following feedback from our customers. They are waterproof beds, with a removable outer and removable inner cushion cover for easy care.
We think you are going to LOVE them, so we knew you would want to hear the news here, as so many of you are not only interested in hearing about our Fairtrade home accessories, alpaca socks and healthy living ideas, but we know you are here for good quality products for your pets too!
Drop me a message if you need any more information, or check here
Catch up next week!