As the seasons change...

As the seasons change...

Autumn is arriving, with bold shifts of colours, temperatures and light, this time of year signifies many changes.

Perhaps some are back to a new school year, with leaves starting to swirl around little feet. I think this is a time lots of us feel the need to make a change in some way too, personally, maybe with a new fitness regime or after a Summer of some extra treats - healthy eating and menu planning. Sometimes, simply making changes to the things that surround us does the trick.

This always feels like a good time to bring back the cosy vibes, with a new rug, new curtains, a warm sweater or maybe some alpaca socks!

And with socks in mind... There is a lot of excitement for us here in The Cow Shed this week, as our very special Alpaca Bed socks have all arrived straight from our British manufacturer! 

We have also received some colours of our much missed long cushion sole Country socks and shorter Walking socks too.... Keep your eyes peeled on the website for all the new arrivals, which will be added this weekend.

In 7 wonderful soft colours, Alpaca bed socks have incredible thermal properties, are non-restrictive and so soft and cosy.... We know that many of you, our lovely customers, have been particularly waiting on the Pink Alpaca Bed Socks, so grab them while they are here - they never hang around for too long!

In the meantime, enjoy these few days of amazingly warm temperatures that we are experiencing!

Catch up next week!


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